
Mettis Quartet
2nd prize winner of 8th International Bordeaux String Quartet Competition in
France, May 2016
Winner of IX International V.E.Rimbotti competition in Italy July 2016
European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) alumni
Metis was an ancient Greek mythological figure, an Oceanid from the second generation of Titans, who was the wife of Zeus and the mother of Athena.She was known for her shrewdness, her wisdom, and her skill.
Mettis Quartet was founded in 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania. They have studied in
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, along with European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA). The biggest musical influence quartet got from Hatto Beyerle (Alban Berg Quartet), Johannes Meissl (Artis Quartet) and their first teacher Augustinas Vasiliauskas (Vilnius Quartet).
Mettis are four different, charismatic personalities who make this quartet very interesting unified item. After competition success in 2016 Mettis started their international career as concert ensemble and have played in important halls such as Wigmore Hall, Berlin Konzerthaus, Laeiszhalle (Hamburg), Washington Galery of Arts (USA), Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon), Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Jerusalem YMCA, Paris Hotel des Invalides, festivals: Montpellier Radio France, Aix-en-Provence, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Shanghai International Arts, Luberon, Nine Gates, Vilnius festival and many others. From the year 2017 quartet have played a huge amount of concerts all around the world including USA, Canada, China, Israel, Panama and many European countries.
In 2015 Mettis Quartet released their debut CD of Beethoven and Shostakovich string quartets. In the year of 2018 and 2019 Quartet actively collaborated with Lithuanian pianist Muza Rubackyte. Liszt Malediction concert performance is recorded for the CD series “Great Lithuanian live recordings” by Swiss label DORON. In the end of 2019 together with Muza Rubackyte they recorded a CD of M. Weinberg and D. Shostakovich piano quintets for the French label LIGIA. The latest recording is a CD of two Beethoven quartets
with the US label ODRADEK.
Quartet actively collaborated with Lithuanian pianist Muza Rubackyte. Liszt Malediction concert performance is recorded for the CD series “Great Lithuanian live recordings” by Swiss label DORON.
Mettis started their international career as concert ensemble.
Mettis Quartet released their debut CD of Beethoven and Shostakovich string quartets.
Mettis Quartet was founded in 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Quartet Artists
European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) alumni
International Bordeaux String Quartet Competition
2nd prize winner
IX International V.E.Rimbotti competition
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